Logo of OB SE USPA


Vital information

One of the types of cargo that is transported on the territory of the Odesa branch of SE "USPA" is dangerous cargo. Dangerous cargoes are substances, materials, products, waste from production and other activities, which due to their inherent properties, in the presence of certain factors, can cause during transportation: explosion, fire, damage to technical means, devices, structures and other objects, cause material losses and damage to the environment, lead to death, injury, poisoning of people and animals.

Dangerous cargoes submitted for transportation must be properly classified and identified.

Classification of dangerous cargoes (assignment to a class, subclass, category and group) is carried out depending on the type and degree of their potential danger.


  • Class 1 Explosive substances and products
  • Class 2 Fumes
  • Class 3 Flammable liquids
  • Class 4 Flammable solids
  • Class 5 Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
  • Class 6 Toxic substances and infectious substances
  • Class 7 Radioactive materials
  • Class 8 Corrosive (corrosive substances)
  • Class 9 Other hazardous substances and products

Important information

Forwarding companies inform the port operator and the Odesa seaport authority in advance about the transportation of dangerous cargoes by providing an e-mail, security passport (MSDS) and other accompanying documents.